| Having received a doctor of veterinary medicine and master degrees from Kansas State University, Dr. Fenwick completed a residency and received a Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis focused on microbiology and immunology. Following a faculty position at the University of Florida, he was recruited by Kansas State University. During his tenure at Kansas State he built a world-class research program in infectious diseases. He has given over 150 invited lectures and keynote presentations worldwide; has published over 130 research papers, book chapters and proceeding reports; holds five patents; and has received over $11-million in competitive research funding from federal and state agencies and private organizations. He has received numerous awards and honors including the Beecham Award for Research Excellence, the Yarborough Medicine Award, Sigma Xi Outstanding Scientist and Service Awards, the Kansas Veterinary Service Award, and the U.C. Davis Distinguished Alumni Award. He is one of a very select group who hold fellow status with both the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the American Council on Education (ACE). He has served on and chaired numerous professional and national organizations and committees including those with the National Academies of Science, the National Research Council, and the Association of Public Land-Grant Universities. He has served on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Board of Governors and is on Elsevier’s international Academic Executive Advisory Board. Dr. Fenwick was selected as the only veterinarian to be appointed as the Chief Scientist for the Competitive Research Programs and the National Research Initiative (NRI) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. While at Kansas State he held numerous academic leadership and administrative positions at the department level, chaired an interdisciplinary graduate program, and served as associate dean of graduate education and president of the Faculty Senate. In 2004, he was appointed Vice President for Research at Virginia Tech and President of Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties. Recently, he served as Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement at the University of Tennessee. USAID Profile
Office of Science and Technology Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning
The central focus of Brad Fenwick’s Jefferson Fellowship was related to his background as a University Vice President and Vice Chancellor as well as having been a Chief Scientist for USDA. Brad worked to enhance the degree of interactions between the State Department / USAID with the U.S. Universities and Colleges to the benefit of all organizations. Universities are recognizing the need to become more involved globally and the State Department / USAID are looking for fresh ideas and approaches. The first element of this is a large grant program from USAID to U.S. Universities that he helped design and for which he wrote the RFA. The second focus of Brad’s Fellowship was to enhance the interactions between the State Department / USAID with the Federal science agencies. |